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Traffic Weather Monitoring Data Cloud Service Platform

Traffic Weather Monitoring Data Cloud Service Platform

Category : Meteorological Observation Platform

Release Date : 2024-03-27 03:39:20

Hotline : 18211985279 Leave a message online

1. Main functions

The traffic meteorological monitoring data cloud service platform has the function of real-time meteorological data collection. The collected content includes: meteorological data, sensor working status, communication line status, etc. The collected data is displayed in two ways: numerical and graphical curves.

At the same time, the equipment operating status and collected meteorological data of all stations in the system can be monitored and displayed on GIS maps, and the stations can be set up and processed with meteorological data through instructions. It has sound alarms, prompt box alarms, and variable speed limit reference value prompts, allowing users to intuitively understand the operating status of the equipment, the validity of the data, etc.

1.1 Platform Main Page

Platform main page

1.2 Early Warning and Alarm Information Prompts

Early warning and alarm information prompts

1.3 Real-time Data Query Page

Real-time data query page

1.4 Real-time Data Curve Query Page

Real-time data curve query page

1.5 SMS Template Setting Text

SMS template set text

1.6. System Maintenance-user Management, Permission Management and Logs

Software operation setting permission accounts: administrator account and user account. The user account can only perform operations such as viewing the software, and cannot make settings changes to the terminal device, nor can it make changes to the software itself (such as closing, etc.); the administrator account has permissions , you can set up the terminal, close the software, etc. The administrator needs a password before performing operations. Only by entering the correct user name and password can administrator operations be performed. Administrators can add and delete user accounts.

The operation permissions of the database cannot be directly operated by administrators and users. Only operators with specified permissions can perform database data operations and sorting.

Log records: Detailed logs record abnormal data, user operations, software abnormalities, etc. Log records can be exported to files for user analysis.

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